Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Simplify Holiday Stress with Reflexology

The chaos has begun. This is Thanksgiving week and the stress of travel, family and friends, cooking and reservations, and all that accompanies the holiday has arrived. In the short video here, learn how you can use reflexology to relieve the stress of the season.

When scheduling your reflexology treatment, consider the peace it will provide to you and how it will improve your response to future stressful times. If you have questions, please leave them in comments here or send by email to me at When thinking about gifts for friends, family and business associates this holiday, consider a gift certificate for reflexology treatments to relieve stress and reduce pain. I'm happy to discuss how this may work for you or a loved one.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Benefits of Reflexology Revealed

There are many hidden benefits of reflexology. General foot health contributes to the overall health of the entire body and the inner spirit. Here is a simple chart detailing how the feet are connected to the rest of the body.

Here is more information on how reflexology can improve personal health.

Contact me for more details